Workshop on Research publication Process in High impact journals

Trinity Institute of Innovations in Professional Studies, Greater Noida organized a workshop on “Research publication Process in High impact journals “. The Resource person was Dr. Vandana Sharma, Associate Professor, CHRIST UNIVERSITY, Delhi NCR. Her topic of discussion was on “7 Steps to Navigate the Publication Process in High Impact Journals.
The key points were the tricks of publishing paper in high impact journals by mastering the art of writing a well-structured, clear and well-organized research paper, the strategies for selecting a suitable journal to publish a research paper in high impact journals. She also emphasized on gaining the valuable insights into adherence to publication guidelines to increase the chance of acceptance and avoid desk rejection. 
The workshop was organized by Dr. Meenakshi Kaushik, Professor, Dean (Research) at TIIPS GN, Delhi NCR.
 My special thanks to Director Dr. Ravindra Kumar for giving me this opportunity to organize this workshop. Thanks a lot, to all Deans, HODs, faculty members for being the part of this workshop.


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